Miss The First Day Virtual Screening?
Watch the Q&A portion of The First Day film screening held on July 16, 2020 to celebrate the 1-year release of the film. The Q&A was moderated by Jenny Swider, Communications Director of Herren Talks.

Panelists included:
– Chris Herren
– Filmmaker Jonathan Hock
– Herren Project Executive Director, Kevin Mikolazyk
– Creighton Drury, CEO of Partnership to End Addiction.

To rent or purchase and to learn more about the film as well as the nonprofit partners, Partnerships to End Addiction (drugfree.org) and Herren Project (herrenproject.org), visit https://thefirstdayfilm.com

Start the Conversation. The First Day Begins Today.

Chris Herren, former professional basketball player, author and wellness advocate, has shared his story of recovery with over 1 million people nationwide. The First Day film chronicles this journey revealing Herren’s vulnerability and his profound connections with high school students who, in turn, have shared their stories of struggle and strength. Through the power of storytelling, The First Day addresses issues that school systems, communities and people across the country are impacted by, directly or indirectly, each day including substance use, other harmful behaviors and mental wellness.

Are you an educator or school administrator? Educational materials in both English and Spanish languages have been developed to support the themes presented within The First Day film and include a toolkit for educators and lesson plans for high school and middle school students that are aligned with the common core. Register today to preview the film and educational materials that can be utilized within schools or virtually. https://thefirstdayfilm.com/register-for-resources/